Since the launch of CW’s “Arrow” in 2012, the show’s fan base, affectionately referred to as “Team Arrow,” has quickly become a large, impactful community. The inspiration behind the community and this event, is the show’s philanthropic star, Stephen Amell. Amell is also responsible for creating the now popular word “Sinceriously” to initiate any action while spreading as much good karma as possible. On Wednesday, October 7th, that is exactly what “Team Arrow: A Sincerious Premiere Viewing Party” is set to do.
A donation of $10 gets you in the door. Additional donations for a chance to win prizes will be held through out the evening. In addition, prior to the event, a t-shirt campaign on is being planned to help raise extra funds. 100% of all donations will go to a charity to be determined.
The Viewing Party will take place exclusively in the private Loft area of Professor Thom's located in the East Village of New York City at 219 2nd Avenue. The event will take place from 7PM to 10PM and is 21 and over. Drink specials will be offered and food will be available for purchase.